Dear Dharma brothers and sister,
I am writing to share with you how our upcoming Summer Retreat also known as Yarney, relates to the importance of preserving and continuing the ancient rituals and specifically the teachings of our Tibetan monastery. Despite the challenges faced during and after the Tibetan revolution and exodus, we have diligently worked to uphold these sacred practices.
Our annual Sgrub Mchods rituals, which have been deeply rooted in the traditions of our monastery since the 15th century, are conducted with faithful devotion, upholding the monastic vows and commitments.
During the Summer Retreat, in accordance with the Buddha’s command, we seize the opportunity to engage in these special rituals that have been orally transmitted from teacher to disciple for generations. These efforts are a continuation of the hard work and dedication of our Venerable Abbots, who strived to maintain and restore the monastery’s activities here in Nepal.
We are committed to furthering these precious rituals, ensuring that the teachings, particularly the oral instructions of Lama Tsongkhapa (Jamgon Snyan Rgyud), are preserved, continue to be passed down to our current and future monks, and spread throughout this world.
We pray for the long life of all pure Dharma holders, the well-being of our sponsors, and the liberation of all sentient beings from diseases, wars, stress, and all conditions of degenerate times.
May they attain both temporary and ultimate happiness forever.
Your support is crucial in fulfilling these noble wishes. Thank you for your continued generosity and dedication.
#segyumonastery # summerretreat #yarney2024 #vassana #vassa #rainretreat
Sincerely Yours,
Khen Lama Palden
Abbot, Segyu Gaden Phodrang Monastery, Nepal
Direct call: +9779810186962 (Lobsang Jorden Sherpa Nepal)
WhatsApp +9779808323948 (Lobsang Nyingjay Tamang Nepal)
Or Abby citron +9779862277804
Joey from Malaysia +60163236025

Sponsorship Opportunity: Support Our Summer Retreat
As the warm embrace of summer envelops us, Segyu Gaden Phodrang is preparing for our annual summer retreat, a time-honored tradition dedicated to preserving and continuing our rich monastic rituals and teachings. This retreat is not only a period of deep spiritual practice for our monks but also a crucial opportunity to sustain and nurture the spiritual heritage that has been passed down through generations.
We humbly reach out to you, our cherished community, to consider supporting this significant endeavor. Your generous sponsorship will directly contribute for 150 monks in our monastery :
One day tea USD38
Tea is provided during puja in the morning and afternoon. (5000 npr)
One time bread USD38
Bread for breakfast. (5000 npr)
One time lunch USD84
One day lunch (11,000 npr)
One day food sponsoring USD152
Breakfast, lunch and dinner for one day. (20,000 npr)
Alms offering
you may offer as you wish any amount per monk
General puja offering
General puja offering for dedication or special request any amount as you wish. Please leave us a comment and key in custom amount.
Butter Lamp Offering
Small butterlamp (1 USD) , Medium (5 USD), please key the amount and leave a comment for how many and dedications.
Large Butterlamp offering USD23
Large butterlamp offerings for 30 days
Monk Robes small per set USD23
Monk Robes Large per set USD35
Summer Retreat (Yarney) 2024
July 20th:
Begin with Monastic Confession Ceremony
- Preparation for Guhyasamaja Intensive Sadhana Session
- Great Consecration (Rabne Chinmo)
July 21st:
- Guhyasamaja Intensive Sadhana Session
July 22nd – 23rd:
- Guhyasamaja Intensive Sadhana Session with Great Consecration (Rabne Chinmo)
- Increasing fire puja
July 24th:
- Conclusion of Great Consecration (Rabne Chinmo)
- Kangso and peaceful fire puja
July 25th:
- Tara Thread Cross Ceremony preparation (Dolma Yuldog Dadig)
July 26th:
- Tara Thread Cross Ceremony (Dolma Yuldog)
July 27th – August 5th:
- Preparation and construction of Heruka Chakrasambara Sand Mandala
July 29th – 30th:
- Reading of 105 Volumes of Buddha’s Teachings (Kagyur)
- Tsog offering
July 31st – August 2nd:
- Reading of 225 volumes of translated commentaries of Buddha (Tripitaka)
August 3rd:
- Monthly protector’s puja
- Preparation for Simhanada Nagas
August 4th:
- Monastic Confession
- Start of Simhanada Nagas ritual (gesgra’ikluchog)
August 6th – 9th:
- Heruka Chakrasambara Intensive Sadhana Sessions (Sdrop Chod)
- Magnetizing Fire Puja
- Tsok Offering
August 10th:
- Preparation for 13 Deities Yamantaka Intensive Sadhana Session
August 11th – 13th:
- 13 Deities Yamantaka Intensive Sadhana Session
- Increasing fire Puja
August 14th – 17th:
- Increasing pujas (Yangdrup) of White Mahakala (Gonkar),Veshermana (Namsey),White Zhambhala (Zhamkar),Ratna Shugden (Gayzid)
August 18th – 19th:
- Reading of 17 chapter Guhyasamaja Tantra texts (Pal Sangwa Duepays GyudZhung)
August 20th – 21st:
- Great Kangso preparation
August 22nd – 23rd:
- Great Kangso offering to Mahakala, Kalarupa, etc.
August 24th:
- Dorje Shugden Special Oral Melody Kangso
- Hundreds and thousands Tsog offering
- International Great Protector Dorje Shugden Celebration Day
August 25th:
- Great Kangso offering to Sridevi and Kubera
- Thanks offering to all other protectors
August 26th:
- Death Anniversary Offerings Day of Great Master Dhulwa Zenpa Palden Sangpo
August 27th:
- White Umbrella Special Ritual Preparation
August 28th:
- Vajra Yogini waxing moon period (Tibetan tenth) offering
August 29th – September 1st:
- White Umbrella Goddess offering puja for averting epidemics (Dukkar Tordog)
September 3rd:
- Regular Confession and Ceremony for releasing summer retreat (GagYed)
- Dissolving sand mandala and performed naga ritual to offer blessed precious mandala powder