Due to the humble requests of the generous benefactors of the Teachings, the family of Ama Dolkar la: The Treasure Holder of the instructions of the Gaden Oral tradition, whose kindness to us is greater than all of the Buddhas of the three times, the great master His Holiness Daknak Dorje Chang, will return to Palden Segyu Gaden Phodrang Monastery’s temple in Nepal for the sake of bestowing dharma teachings and increasing the blessings of the Year of the Earth Pig 2146 (2019).
These Dharma Teachings will begin in the afternoon of February 22nd, 2019, starting with preparations for the empowerment of Chakrasamvara Five Deities, according to the Ghantapa tradition, followed by the actual empowerment.
Next will be the blessing empowerment of Vajrayogini followed by practical instructions on the practice of Vajrayogini drawn from teachings of Master Ngulchu Dharmabhadra.
After these teachings, there will also be an empowerment for the practice of Chod (Cutting Through the Ego), named ‘Opening the Sky Door’, along with the oral transmission of its collected activities.
Then Rinpoche will bestow the permission empowerment of the combined three aspects of Je Tsongkhapa.
As humble requested by ShiTse Ama Dolkar la and family Rinpoche will bestow the empowerment of Long Life Lama Tsongkhapa.
As humble requested by ShiTse Ama Dolkar la and family, Rinpoche will give teaching of Lojong Tseg Gyadma, Eight Verses of Training the Mind, and White Tara initiation at Nyanang Shedup Gaden Phelgye Ling Monastery.
Upon hearing the sincere requests from those at Segyu Monastery who are seeking to obtain a deep understanding of the profound and holy Dharma, and due to his kindness and care, Daknak Rinpoche has agreed to grant these unsurpassed, profound Dharma Teachings, as well as bestow the vows of Getsul (Novice monk vows) to the new monastery students.
2019 Schedule of Dharma Teachings and Empowerments
Feb.22nd:: Preliminaries for the empowerment of Chakrasamvara Five Deities, according to the Ghantapa tradition,
Feb. 23rd: The actual empowerment of Chakrasamvara Five Deities.
Feb. 24th: Blessing empowerment of Vajrayogini.
Feb. 25th to March of 4th: The practical instructions on the practice of Vajrayogini drawn from teachings of Master Ngulchu Dharmabhadra
March 5th: Rinpoche will bestow the permission empowerment of the combined three aspects of Je Tsongkhapa.
March 6th : Empowerment for the practice of Chod (Cutting Through the Ego), named ‘Opening the Sky Door’,
March7th and 8th: Rinpoche will give Oral transmission of Chod (Cutting Through the Ego), named ‘Opening the Sky Door’, collected activities
March 9th: Break, no teachings that day
March 10th: Continuation of Oral transmission of Chod (Cutting Through the Ego), named ‘Opening the Sky Door’, collected activities
March 11th: Rinpoche will bestow the empowerment of Long Life Lama Tsongkhapa.
March 12th: Rinpoche will give teaching of Lojong TsegGyadma, Eight Verses of Training the Mind
March13th: Initiation of White tara at Nyanang Shedup Gaden Phelgye Ling Monastery.
March 14th and 15th: Break, no teachings those days
March 16th : Long Life Offering Puja to Venerable Kyabje Dorje Chang at Segyu Monastery
March 18th: Rinpoche will bestow the vows of Getsul (Novice monk vows) to the monastery’s newest students
To all those seeking to obtain a deep understanding of the profound and holy Dharma,
His Holiness Kyabje Daknak Rinpoche will grant these unsurpassed, profound Dharma Teachings