
Dharma Teaching Anouncement

Good news to share with all ordained and lay practitioners with unwavering faith striving for liberation.

Due to prior sincere requests for Lam Rim teachings, empowerments for deities such as Chakrasamvara, Guhyasamaja, and Yamanataka, as well as blessing empowerments for various Dharma protectors from the abbot and monks of Segyu Ganden Phodrang Monastery, Kyabje Daknak Dorje Chang, Jetsun Lobsang Yeshe Trinley Gyaltsen, pillar upholding the Genden tradition, whose kindness to us is greater than all the Buddhas of the three times, will continue to fulfill this request at present by giving teachings and oral transmission for the middling Lam Rim text, by Je Tsongkhapa. He will also grant the great empowerment of Yamantaka Solitary Hero, as well as the empowerments for Outer, Inner, and Secret Kalarupa.

At the request of renunciates, Rinpoche will give teachings on the Seven Point Mind Training practice, and at repeated requests from respected Ngawang Norchog, who is eager to engage in single pointed practice, Rinpoche will also bestow the empowerment of Five-Deity Heruka from the Ghantapa tradition, along with the common torma empowerment and uncommon body mandala empowerment of the close lineage of Chittamani Tara. Rinpoche will also teach on the two stages of Chittamani Tara and give the oral transmission for all relevant daily practice texts.

To conclude this Dharma program, Rinpoche will grant novice ordination vows to new students.

Dharma teachings will begin on March 10th, 2023, at 1:00PM and finish at 5:00PM daily, in the main prayer hall of Segyu Ganden Phodrang Monastery.

If you would like to RSVP for the event, please click on the link provided https://fb.me/e/3pOi6iuUS . We look forward to seeing you there or you may drop us an email.


We welcome all visitors and guests to come and learn more about this precious gem of a monastery.

Dharma Teaching Anouncement